At Acuproof, we provide a guarantee of high-quality proofreading service. It is due to our surety that hundreds of scholars and authors have trusted us with their assignments. All our team members are dedicated towards fulfilling the promise that we make to a client when he/she places an order. The factors that we cover under the umbrella of our service guarantee are as follows:
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Comprehensive coverage When we proofread a document, we cover all parts of it. Apart from grammar and spelling, our editors also check presentation aspects like margins, capitalisation, bold and underline, header fonts, etc. Both format and structure are made perfect.
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Citation Our editors are proficient in using various citation styles like APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, ACS, AMA, AP, etc. Our clients have to specify the citation style that they want us to follow. All the citations are checked in all the chapters, including bibliography. We guarantee that there will be no wrong citations or missed citations in your document, thus saving you from plagiarism charges.
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Academic standards: We are well aware of the high academic standards expected by the UK universities. Hence, we ensure that the language and format in your document meet your university’s requirements. The vocabulary is checked thoroughly and the changes are suggested, as required. We also check the formatting errors.
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Privacy The absolute privacy of the documents that clients share with us is guaranteed. We never let any data or idea be shared with outsiders. For this purpose, our editors sign a non-disclosure agreement with clients and abide by the same. We have also put in place SSL for transferring files safely.
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Timely delivery We know that deadlines are crucial when it comes to academic submissions. Thus, we ask clients to specify their timelines for task completion while placing their orders. We plan the work in such a manner that their documents are finalised and delivered two days before the promised deadline, so that there is scope for revision and incorporation of changes. For urgent proofreading services, the mutually discussed deadlines are followed stringently.